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Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь - flap


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Перевод с английского языка flap на русский

см. breechclout
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См. в других словарях

  1. откидная доска стола; откидной борт; дверца люка; створка (ставни и т. п.) desk with a writing flap —- стол с откидной доской (для письма) 2. клапан (кармана); пола (одежды) 3. поля шляпы a hat with wide flaps —- широкополая шляпа 4. уши, отвороты (шапки) 5. легкий удар; шлепок; хлопок a flap in the face —- удар ладонью по лицу, пощечина 6. хлопанье the flap of a sail —- хлопанье паруса flap of a flag —- хлопанье развевающегося флага 7. хлопушка (для мух) 8. разг. паника, смятение to be in a flap —- паниковать, психовать to get into a flap —- разнервничаться, потерять голову to create a flap —- вызвать замешательство (панику) 9. ам. сл. шумное сборище, попойка 10. ам. сл. драка между уличными шайками подростков 11. ам. сл. ошибка, промах; сел в лужу 12. ам. сл. воен. воздушный налет 13. плоский кусок, слой a flap of bread —- ломоть хлеба 14. длинные висячие уши (собаки и т. п.) 15. мед. кожный лоскут 16. с-х. мутовка (в маслобойке) 17. тех. клапан, заслонка 18. ав. щиток; закрылок 19. ам. ав. разг. переплет 20. полигр. клапан суперобложки 21. колыхать, развевать the wind flaps the sails —- ветер полощет паруса 22. колыхаться, развеваться (также flap about) a flag flaps in the wind —- флаг вьется на ветру a curtain flaps —- занавеска развевается 23. махать, хлопать the bird flapped its wings —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) что-л., прикрепленное за один конец, свешивающееся или развевающееся на ветру  2) звук, производимый развевающимся флагом  3) взмах крыльев, колыхание знамени и т.п.  4) удар, хлопок; шлепок  5) хлопушка (для мух)  6) клапан (карманный)  7) пола  8) откидная доска (стола)  9) длинное висячее ухо (животного)  10) tech. клапан, заслонка, створка  11) крыло (седла)  12) aeron. щиток; закрылок  13) coll. тревога, беспокойство; паника  2. v.  1) взмахивать (крыльями)  2) махать; развевать(ся); колыхать(ся) the wind flaps the sails - ветер полощет паруса  3) хлопать, шлепать; ударять; бить (ремнем) to flap flies away - отгонять мух (платком и т.п.)  4) свисать  5) coll. впадать в панику; суетиться, волноваться (тж. flap about/around) Do stop flapping about, well get the job done in time. to flap ones mouth, to flap about - болтать, толковать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) длинное ухо (животного) 2) взмах крыльев; махать крыльями 3) клапан 4) хвостовой плавник ракообразных – flap of ear – mantle flap ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) закрылок 2) заслонка 3) захлопка 4) радио клавиш микрофонный 5) клапан 6) клапан микрофонный 7) откидной 8) похлопать 9) створка 10) флеп 11) хлопать 12) хлопок 13) щиток 14) элерон to deflect flap — отклонять закрылок - air-brake flap - closing flap - double-slotted flap - extension flap - flap gate - fowler flap - hinged flap - jet flap - leading-edge flap - mud flap - mudguard flap - nose flap - plain flap - retract flap - retractable flap - safety flap - split flap - trailing-edge flap - wing flap ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  створка; заслонка створчатый (разрезной дисковый) клапан; шарнирно-откидной обратный клапан задвижка, вентиль mica flap ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) створка; заслонка 2) клапан (напр. гидротехнического затвора) 3) трубопроводный вентиль; задвижка, затвор (трубопровода); заслонка 4) горн. оградительный щиток (верхняка) 5) ободная лента (покрышки) 6) возд. закрылок; щиток 7) тангента (микротелефонной трубки) 8) клапан (суперобложки, конверта, картонного ящика или коробки) 9) швейн. клапан кармана; клапан, имитирующий карман - air flap - asymmetrical flaps - blown flap - brake flap - braking flap - butt flaps - chimney flap - choke flap - cooling flap - cowl flap - delivery flap - dirferentially operated flap - double-slotted flap - extended flap - extension flap - film guide flap - fish belly flap - gun flap - hinged flap - ice flap - inboard flap - leading edge flap - moving flap - mud flap - outboard flap - plain flap - retracted flap - safety flap - slanted flap - slot flap - split flap - strangler flap - suction flap - throttle flap - turning flap - valve flap - wing flap ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. (flapped, flapping) 1 a tr. move (wings, the arms, etc.) up and down when flying, or as if flying. b intr. (of wings, the arms, etc.) move up and down; beat. 2 intr. colloq. be agitated or panicky. 3 intr. (esp. of curtains, loose cloth, etc.) swing or sway about; flutter. 4 tr. (usu. foll. by away, off) strike (flies etc.) with something broad; drive. 5 intr. colloq. (of ears) listen intently. --n. 1 a piece of cloth, wood, paper, etc. hinged or attached by one side only and often used to cover a gap, e.g. a pocket-cover, the folded part of an envelope, a table-leaf. 2 one up-and-down motion of a wing, an arm, etc. 3 colloq. a state of agitation; panic (don't get into a flap). 4 a hinged or sliding section of a wing used to control lift; an aileron. 5 a light blow with something broad. 6 an open mushroom-top. Derivatives flappy adj. Etymology: ME, prob. imit. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~pe  Date: 14th century  1. a stroke with something broad ; slap  2. obsolete something broad and flat used for striking  3. something that is broad, limber, or flat and usually thin and that hangs loose or projects freely: as  a. a piece on a garment that hangs free  b. a part of a book jacket that folds under the book's cover  c. a piece of tissue partly severed from its place of origin for use in surgical grafting  d. an extended part forming the closure (as of an envelope or carton)  4. the motion of something broad and limber (as a sail or wing)  5. a movable auxiliary airfoil usually attached to an airplane wing's trailing edge to increase lift or drag — see airplane illustration  6.  a. a state of excitement or agitation ; tizzy, uproar  b. something (as an incident or remark) that generates an uproar  7. a consonant (as the sound d in ladder and t in latter) characterized by a single rapid contact of the tongue or lower lip against another point in the mouth — called also tap  II. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to beat with or as if with a ~  2. to toss sharply ; fling  3. to move or cause to move in ~s  intransitive verb  1. to sway loosely usually with a noise of striking and especially when moved by wind  2.  a. to beat or pulsate wings or something suggesting wings  b. to progress by ~ping  c. to flutter ineffectively  3. to talk foolishly and persistently ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (flaps, flapping, flapped) 1. If something such as a piece of cloth or paper flaps or if you flap it, it moves quickly up and down or from side to side. Grey sheets flapped on the clothes line... They would flap bath towels from their balconies as they chatted. = flutter VERB: V, V n 2. If a bird or insect flaps its wings or if its wings flap, the wings move quickly up and down. The bird flapped its wings furiously... A pigeon emerges, wings flapping noisily, from the tower. VERB: V pl-n, V 3. If you flap your arms, you move them quickly up and down as if they were the wings of a bird. ...a kid running and flapping her arms. VERB: V n 4. A flap of cloth or skin, for example, is a flat piece of it that can move freely up and down or from side to side because it is held or attached by only one edge. He drew back the tent flap and strode out into the blizzard. ...a loose flap of skin. N-COUNT: usu with supp 5. A flap on the wing of an aircraft is an area along the edge of the wing that can be raised or lowered to control the movement of the aircraft. ...the sudden slowing as the flaps were lowered. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a thin flat piece of cloth, paper, skin etc that is fixed by one edge to a surface, which you can lift up easily  (He lifted the tent flap slowly to see what was making the noise.)  (- see also cat flap) 2 the noisy movement of something such as cloth in the air  (the flap of the sails) 3 informal a situation in which people feel very excited, angry, or worried about something  (be in a flap)  (Rafi's in a bit of a flap over the wedding plans.)  (- see also unflappable) 4 a part of the wing of an aircraft that can be raised or lowered to help the aircraft go up or down ~2 v 1 if a bird flaps its wings, it moves its wings up and down in order to fly 2 if a piece of cloth, paper etc flaps it moves around quickly and noisily  (The flags were flapping in the breeze.) 3 BrE informal to behave in an excited, nervous, or angry way  (There's no need to flap!) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Failure Location Analysis Program electron. abbr. Failure Location Analysis Program softw. abbr. Failure Location Analysis Program ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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